Wednesday, November 30, 2011


How many steps did you use? One student shared, "I used 9 steps." Students used a origami square. Then created a colored square for their final origami. 
Check out the diagrams Origami Diagrams 
Geometry Performance Standards: M5.1.1 Identify, sort, describe, model, and compare circles, triangles, and rectangles including squares regardless of orientation.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Which State is it?

Each week, a new set of clues is introduced about one of the 50 states.   
Then wait to see how long it takes students to identify the Mystery State. 

Can you guess this state?  A few students investigated and were really close. But you need to locate the state and place an  X on your hunch. 50 State Map  
Write your answer on I think the mystery state is
Clue 1: This state has the world's longest floating bridge.

Clue 2: This state is the top producer of apples in the United States.

Clue 3: The first-ever revolving restaurant opened in this state in 1961.

Clue 4: This state is the only state named after a U.S. president.

Clue 5: This state is the home of Mount St. Helen's, a semi-active volcano that erupted in 1980.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Making Glyphs

Gobbling Turkey Glyphs
Powerful way to display data
Students will:
Collect data and create pictures using the data.
Make a glyph based on personal information
Interpret glyphs made by other students
 The student demonstrates an ability to analyze data
 (comparing, explaining, interpreting, or justifying conclusions) using information from a variety of displays
(tallies, tables, pictographs, bar graphs, or [Venn diagrams L] (M6.1.2)
Body - DARK BROWN - I like dark meat
Light Brown - I like light meat
White - I don't eat Turkey
Feet -Yellow - I am going away for Thanksgiving
Red - I am not going away for Thanksgiving
Beak -On Thanksgiving we usually eat in the...
OPENED = Kitchen
CLOSED = Dining room
Wattle -Orange - I do not like gravy
Red - I like gravy
Eyes - OPENED = I will eat dessert on Thanksgiving
CLOSED = I will not eat dessert
FEATHERS - On Thanksgiving I like to eat...
RED - cranberries
ORANGE - pumpkin pie
GREEN - Green beans
BROWN - Stuffing
PINK - Mashed Potatoes

 Ideas from the Teaching Heart               Stop by and see the Turkeys in the hallway.