Thursday, September 29, 2011

Investigation of Mock Rocks

  • Students observed and described the physical properties of mock rocks. 
  • They noticed that rocks can be broken down into different ingredients called minerals.
  • Students used a nail as a geologist pick to take a mock rock apart.
  • They classified the materials into categories like  shells, small rocks, and sand. 
  • Several students discovered glass, seaweed, and wood. 

      Locate Seven Continents

      Locate and label our seven continents. You will need to make a map key. Sometimes it helps to have a working partner.

      Monday, September 26, 2011

      Rock Hounds

      Rocks and Minerals Student's Examined their rocks.
      First they Predicted
      Length, Mass,
      Which will scratch your rock [Penny, nail, finger-nail, none]
      Will vinegar make it bubble?
      Will it Float?
      Then they checked their predictions.

      Partner Work

      Partner's help each other! Students used a story map to record the first story from our reading series.
      Then used notes to retell the story to each other.


      Student's are practicing their subtraction facts. They are strengthening their math skills and comparing numbers. Before long these challenging math facts will be part of  his or her mathematical skill set.

      Writing Process - Reread and Revise

      Students created a story using a beginning, middle 1, middle2,  and ending. Rereading and rethinking gives you a closer examination in the text.

      Writing Process - Peer Editing

      Peer Editing - Classmates share their rough drafts and make suggestions to each other for improvement.

      Mathematics Section

      Kid's Place ~ Pick Your Grade  Welcome to our Mathematics Section. Math Expressions is a new math curriculum by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. It offers new ways to teach and learn mathematics. Math Expressions uses objects, drawings, conceptual language, and real-world situations to help students build mathematical ideas that make sense to them.
      Students represent 3-digit numbers with drawings that show hundreds, tens, and ones. To start, students make drawings on the dot arrays on their MathBoards. They show ones by circling individual dots, tens by drawing lines through groups of ten dots, and hundreds by drawing squares around groups of 100 dots. Math Expressions uses the terms ones, ten-sticks, and hundred-boxes to describe the three representations.

      Thursday, September 22, 2011

      Compare and Contrast

       Student's completed a Venn Diagram to compare themselves with a friend. How are you alike? How are you different? Then they used the information to write a paragraph about their friend.
      Do you need an organizer?  Try using a Venn Diagram

      Friday, September 9, 2011

      Grandparent's Day

      Grandparents of R. J. Elementary were invited to join their grandchildren for lunch on Grandparent's Day (September 9, 2011). Third grade lunch period is from 11:40-12:20. First lunch recess and then lunch.